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Botus Fleming Parish Council

Council Documents

Any documents listed below are available to download as pdf documents.

They are also available on application to the Parish Clerk. Information provided is correct at time of going to press but no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused due to the use of this information.

Policies & Procedures

Apr 2021 Code of Conduct 2021

Apr 2021 Register of Interests form 2021

BFPC Community Engagement Strategy

BFPC Covid-19 Risk Assessment Plan

BFPC FOI Information Request Form Jan 2018

BFPC Forward Plan 201819

BFPC General Privacy Notice May 2018

BFPC Grants & Donations Policy review

BFPC Making a FOI request Jan 2018

BFPC Parish Plan - May 2018 version

BFPC Planning 5 day protocol-adopted Feb 2019

BFPC Publications List May 2018

BFPC Service Level Agreement

BFPC Terms of Reference all Committees

Dealing with correspondence

Dec 2020 Transparency Code - Action Plan 1

Dec 2020 Transparency Code - Action Plan 2

Dec 2020 Transparency Code - Action Plan 3

Dec 2020 Transparency Code - Action Plan 4

Dec 2021 Budget & Precept briefing document

Equality Policy

Expenses Policy

Feb 2022 Section 137 briefing note

Feb 2023 Section 137 briefing note

Financial Reserves Policy 2020

Financial Risk Assessment 2020

Jan 2024 S.137 Briefing note

July 2021 Certificate of disinfection

July 2021 Hatt Recreation Method statement

July 2021 Hatt Recreation Risk Assessment

July 2022 Governance Policies & Procedures REVISED

July 2022 Persistent and/or Vexatious Complaints Policy

July 2024 Audit explainer 2023 2024

July 2024 Certified AGARs 1 to 3

July 2024 Conclusion of Audit 2023 2024

June 2021 Financial Regulations (NALC) 2019

June 2021 Standing Orders (NALC) 2018

June 2022 Governance Policies & Procedures

June 2022 Grants & Donations Policy

June 2024 Notice Public Rights

Lone working Policy

May 2021 Governance - Policies list 2021

May 2021 Publications Scheme 2021

May 2021 Register of Interests form 2021 version2

May 2022 Community Engagement Strategy

May 2022 Councillor's responsibilities schedule

May 2022 Model Publications Scheme

May 2023 Councillor's responsibilities schedule

May 2023 Governance Policies & Procedures REVISED

May 2024 Financial Regulations NALC 2024

Nov 2020 Governance - Policies, procedures & review dates

Nov 2023 Parish Council Noticeboards

Oct 2020 Model Publications Scheme

Oct 2023 Persistent Vexatious Complainants Policy

Scheme of Delegation

Scheme of Delegation 2020

Sept 2020 Bad Debts Policy

Sept 2020 Co-option of new Councillors procedure

Sept 2020 Contract procedures

Sept 2020 Fraud Policy statement

Sept 2020 Grants Policy

Sept 2020 Safeguarding Policy statement

Sept 2020 Training & Development Policy

Training & Development Policy


Apr 2021 Elections Timetable 2021

Apr 2021 Statement of Persons Nominated Botus Fleming Parish Council

Apr 2021 Statement of Persons Nominated Saltash Trematon & Landrake

Apr 2022 Kompan Playground Equipment quotation

Apr 2022 Public Works Loan Board statement

Apr 2023 Agreement grass cutting contract1

Apr 2023 Agreement grass cutting contract2

Apr 2023 Agreement grass cutting contract3

Apr 2023 Comfort Letter1

Apr 2023 Comfort Letter2

Aug 2020 Casual Vacancy Notice

Aug 2021 Casual Vacancy appointment

Aug 2022 (Avian) Bird Flu Notice

Aug 2022 AGAR Sections 1 & 2 PKF conclusion

Aug 2022 External Auditor report & certificate

Aug 2022 Notice of conclusion of Audit

Aug 2023 Standards Committee vacancies notice

BFPC Boundary Map

Dec 2022 Schedule of Meetings 2023

Dec 2022 Winter maintenance salt bins & gritting

Feb 2021 Procurement report briefing document

Feb 2024 Casual vacancy appointment

Jan 2021 Advertisement grass cutting tender

Jan 2021 Casual Vacancy Notice

Jan 2021 Contract Tender Document & Timetable

Jan 2021 Hatt grass cutting areas

Jan 2021 Invitation to Tenderers

Jan 2021 Specifications 1 & 2

Jan 2021 Tender Quotation & Declaration

Jan 2023 Cornwall Devolution meetings

Jan 2023 Cornwall Gateway Community consultation1

Jan 2023 Cornwall Gateway Community consultation2

Jan 2023 Invitation to Tenderers

Jan 2023 Noticeboard Tender advert

Jan 2023 Specification 1 Recreation & Moditonham

Jan 2023 Tender advertisement notice

Jan 2023 Tender quotation and declaration

Jan 2024 Casual vacancy appontment

Jan 2024 Casual Vacancy notice

Jan 2024 Casual Vacancy notice

Jul 2022 Standards Committee Advert

Jul 2022 Standards Committee Application Lay

Jul 2022 Standards Committee Application Parish

July 2021 Casual Vacancy Notice

July 2022 Assessment Decision Notice

Jun 2021 Audit Notice of Public Rights

Jun 2023 Audit explainer

June 2019 Audit Explainer

June 2019 Audit Notice

June 2020 Audit Explainer report (AGAR)

June 2020 Audit Public Rights Notice

Mar 2020 Announcement to Residents

Mar 2020 Caradon Corona Virus Community Support

Mar 2020 COVID-19 Announcement to residents

Mar 2020 COVID-19 Announcement to residents Public Meetings

Mar 2020 COVID-19 Community support

Mar 2020 COVID-19 Volunteer Cornwall Coronavirus Awareness

Mar 2020 Planning Applications Notice

Mar 2020 Planning Applications1 25 Mar 2020

Mar 2021 Grass cutting contract1

Mar 2021 Grass cutting contract2

Mar 2021 Grass cutting contract3

Mar 2021 Notice of Election East

Mar 2021 Notice of Election West

Mar 2021 Notice of Election1

Mar 2021 Notice of Election2

Mar 2023 Defibrilator sign instructions

Mar 2023 Procurement report Grass cutting services

Mar 2023 Saltash Red Bus timetable1

Mar 2023 Saltash Red Bus timetable2

Mar 2024 Tamar Connections Service

May 2022 Grass cutting fact sheet

May 2022 Verge Maintenance fact sheet

May 2023 Big Event Cornwall Council Event Notice form

May 2023 Big Event Risk Assessment

May 2023 Big Event Safety Management Plan

May 2023 Supporting Cornwall Farmers1

May 2023 Supporting Cornwall Farmers2

Nov 2022 Civility & Respect Pledge certificate

Nov 2023 Hatt Community Centre - Have your Say

Nov 2023 Peoples Climate Summit

Oct 2020 Casual Vacancy Notice

Parish Council Election Results May 2017

Sept 2021 AGAR section 2 amended

Sept 2021 Conclusion of Audit report

Sept 2021 External Auditor Report & Certificate 2020/21

Sept 2022 Climate change conference

Sept 2022 Death of Sovereign1

Sept 2022 Death of Sovereign2

Sept 2022 Proclamation

Sept 2023 AGAR forms Final

Sept 2023 External Audit report and certificate

Sept 2023 Notice conclusion Audit 2023

Welcome to Botus Fleming Parish Council


AGAR Certificate of Exemption 2019-2020

AGAR section 2 accounting statement - amended

Aug 2020 BOTHER meeting minutes 6.8.20

Aug 2021 Letter to Mr Thanabalasingham

Aug 2022 Letter to persistent complainant

Carlton Villas

Certificate of Exemption 2018 2019

Chairman Resignation letter Cllr M Ellis

Complaint response

Complaint T Aughey

Council response to resident (NDP)

D Morgan Letter to Parish Council

Ellenden Letter to Parish Council

Ellenden Letter to Parish Council

Ellenden Letter to Parish Council

Ellenden Letter to Parish Council

Feb 2023 Tamar Toll Action Group

Gross misconduct complaint response

July 2020 BOTHER meeting minutes 21.7.20

June 2020 AGAR Accounting statement 2019 2020

June 2020 AGAR Annual Governance statement 2019 2020

June 2021 Filming & Recording policy

Letter to D Morgan from Parish Council

Letter to Ellenden from Parish Council

Letter to Ellenden from Parish Council

Letter to Resident

Mr Jarvis letter to Parish Council1

Nov 2019 BOTHER meeting minutes 20.11.19

Oct 2019 BOTHER meeting minutes 8.10.19

Oct 2019 BOTHER Mission statement

Public Rights Notice June 2018

Resignation letter Cllr A Smith

Resignation letter Cllr S Malcolm

Transparency Regulations Explained

Botus Fleming Neighbourhood Development Plan

Application for designation of NDP Area

NDP General Information

NDP update Feb 2019

NDP update Nov 2018

Contact Details

Parish Clerk:
Mr Christopher Cook
24 Rashleigh Avenue, Saltash PL12 4NS
Tel: 07523 005414